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TDM Cloud Essentials

Cloud-based entry solutions, for small fabrications, to easily digitize tools.

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TDM Global Line

Software on-premise solution with numerous modules for medium to large manufactures.

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TDM Cloud Essentials

Cloud-based entry solutions, for small fabrications, to easily digitize tools.

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TDM Global Line

Software on-premise solution with numerous modules for medium to large manufactures.

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New key visual and key message

100% Tool Management – a message that moves

Who are we? What makes us different? And how do outsiders see this at a glance? Questions that every company probably asks itself from time to time. And so do we. Specifically, we wanted to create a new key message and a new key visual for trade shows and for all communication. "But a new image, a new message that says everything about us, catches the eye and stays in the memory, can only be developed creatively if one's own market positioning has been analyzed very precisely in advance," emphasizes Daniela Steinhart, Content Manager at TDM Systems.

What are we particularly good at?

In a workshop attended by colleagues from different areas of our company, we looked at TDM from very different positions and directions. Together, we discussed questions such as: What are we doing particularly well or better than competitors, and what do our customers appreciate in particular about us? It soon became clear: We share a common vision. For us, there is not only no question that TDM Systems is the only company on the market that offers this wealth of software solutions in the area of Tool Data Management, such as software technology, modules or interfaces. What is also attractive is our entire data expertise and data services, which are used not only by TDM users, but also specifically by tool manufacturers for the application-oriented digitization of their tool programs.


Be closer

"Results that did not surprise us, but made us realize that we should communicate this even more than we have in the past. The workshop therefore provided us with a lot of input for recharging our TDM brand," Steinhart emphasizes. As brand performance, we defined our variety of solutions, data quality, interface competence, consulting expertise and 100% tool management. Among other things, the brand personality was defined as being personal and cooperative – an important point. This is because, as developers of the leading solutions on the market, we sometimes seem a bit too aloof. We want to change that. In the future, we will focus our attention on customer focus and partnership, and therefore be more accessible with our communication. "Our business is also made by people, so we also want to focus on this." A paradigm shift that we also want our new key visual to express.

The key message – what is behind it

Just as important as the decision for a key visual was the wording of a key message that conveys our brand performance. We decided on:

TDM Systems – 100% Tool Management

Digital. >>> We offer software, interfaces and data, comprehensive digital solutions and applications

Experienced. >>> More than 35 years of expertise in software development, engineering, project management, service and data management

Powerful. >>> Thanks to our employees, a network of partners in terms of technology and sales, our affiliation with the Sandvik Group, which gives our customers investment security and provides us with comprehensive tooling and technology expertise


The highlights – now it's even easier to get started with cribs and logistics. Manage data much more efficiently… Find out more
New key visual and key message: 100% Tool Management – a message that moves Find out more